Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Wiki

The Malevolent - Part Four is the twenty-sixth chapter of Mo Dao Zu Shi.

Synopsis []

Nie Huaisang explains that the sabers that the Qinghe Nie Clan uses to cultivate are heavy with resentful energy and killing intent, leading nearly ever clan leader to die of qi deviation.

Wei Wuxian remarks that this is close to Demonic Cultivation, but Nie Huaisang insists otherwise, as their cultivation only uses the evil spirits of beats and creatures, not humans.

However, the saber spirits continue in their desire to battle evil creatures after their wielders' deaths, and began to disrupt the clan. As a result, the sixth leader of the Qinghe Nie Clan built the Stone Castles to house the sabers. They purchased corpses about to turn into Fierce Corpses and buried them inside the walls, maintaining a balance between the killing intent of the sabers and the corpses' resentful energy.

Unfortunately, grave robbers once broke in. When they tried to leave, the Stone Castles sealed them inside the wall to replace the corpses they had destroyed. Jin Ling, therefore, nearly met the same fate when he destroyed the wall to investigate the castles.

Before they depart, Wei Wuxian realizes that Nie Huaisang is in a truly terrible position. If he improves his cultivation, he too will die of a qi deviation, but if he does not, he will remain as he is now, mocked as a good-for-nothing. Neither can he change his clan's cultivation practice without disrespecting his ancestors.

Once they are alone, Lan Wangji insist on removing the Curse Mark from Wei Wuxian's leg. Wei Wuxian insists that he can do it himself, only to discover that it has already reached his thighs. Suddenly, Lan Wangji turns away.[1]

Characters []

in order of appearance:



Cultivation Abilities[]

Cultivation Tools []


  1. Novel, Chapter 26