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Sandu: The Three Poisons - Part Three is the fifty-eighth chapter of Mo Dao Zu Shi.

Synopsis []

Without a word, Yu Ziyuan delivers Jinzhu and Yinzhu a pointed look. They slay all of the Qishan Wen Clan cultivators present in mere seconds, before advancing upon Wang Lingjiao.

In a panic, Wang Lingjiao screams for Wen Zhuliu to save her. Just as Yu Ziyuan's sword is about to drop, Wen Zhuliu appears to knock it away.

Yu Ziyuan mocks him for betraying his ancestors, noting that his last name was once Zhao Zhuliu. Wen Zhuliu calmly replies that each serve their own master.

Yu Ziyuan grinds her heel into Wang Lingjiao, who screams for Wen Zhuliu to kill her.

Wen Zhuliu reflects that he is not fond of Wen Chao's character, and heavily dislikes the vain and cruel Wang Lingjiao. However, Wen Chao has ordered him to protect his mistress, and if Wen Zhuliu does not, Wen Ruohan will be displeased.

He attempts to intervene to save her, and Yu Ziyuan attempts to strike him with Zidian. To everyone's shock, he grabs the whip without issue, even though it is at full spiritual power.

Wang Lingjiao scrambles free to shoot Signal Fireworks to summon more Wens to Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian tells Jiang Cheng to stop her, but Jiang Cheng attempts to stop Wen Zhuliu from hitting his mother instead.

Wen Zhuliu strikes Jiang Cheng, remarking that his hit was "not even close." Once Yu Ziyuan sees that her child is injured, Zidian erupts to send Wen Zhuliu flying into a wall.

Jinzhu and Yinzhu pull out their own electric whips to fight him while Yu Ziyuan takes Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian away. She stops on the training grounds to order all of their disciples to arm themselves immediately.

Arriving the docks, Yu Ziyuan throws both of the boys in a boat, insisting that the Wens came prepared and that this day could not be avoided. To Jiang Cheng's confusion, she gives him Zidian, before embracing and kissing him in a loving way that she had never done before.

She then blames Wei Wuxian for the coming fight, holding him by his collar while she declares her hatred for him.

Jiang Cheng asks her to come with them, but both boys realize she cannot leave Lotus Pier while so many disciples remain inside.

Yu Ziyuan binds the struggling boys to the boat with Zidian, telling them that it will only release in a safe location. She instructs them to travel to Meishan to find Jiang Yanli. Before departing, she asks Wei Wuxian to promise her that he will protect Jiang Cheng with his life.

The boys attempt to break free as the boat drifts away, but Zidian holds them fast. Suddenly, however, they see Jiang Fengmian returning on his own boat.

Confused, Jiang Fengmian explains that he may not be able to free Zidian, as Yu Ziyuan must appoint people as its master. However, to everyone's shock, Zidian obeys him – implying that Yu Ziyuan once trusted him enough to make him a secondary master of Zidian.

Once Jiang Fengmian learns that the Core-Melting Hand is there, he immediately binds both Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng again. He delivers the same instructions to find Jiang Yanli and their grandmother at Meishan.

Jiang Fengmian touches Jiang Cheng's head, telling him, "A-Cheng, be well," before telling Wei Wuxian to look after him. He then returns to Lotus Pier.

The boys drift away, helpless. As soon as Zidian loosens, they use their hands to paddle back, and Wei Wuxian notes that although Yu Ziyuan said he would be bedridden for a month, his wounds did not affect him very much.

They arrive late at night to find the gates of Lotus Pier shut. Wei Wuxian leads the shocked Jiang Cheng to climb one of the walls and look inside.

Their hearts sink; rows and rows of people stand in the training field, wearing the sun-crested uniforms of the Qishan Wen Clan.

Corpses of the Yunmeng Jiang Clan disciples litter the fields, though Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian are nowhere to be seen. Just as Wei Wuxian is attempting to see if the body lying atop a pile is that of their Sixth Shidi or not, a young master of the Wen Clan turns around with an usually gentle demeanor.[1]

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  1. Novel, Chapter 58