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Hensheng: To Hate Life - Part Nine is the one-hundred and sixth chapter of Mo Dao Zu Shi.

Synopsis []

Jin Guangyao reveals that he received a letter saying that his misdeeds would be made public in seven days. He could turn himself in and beg for pardon, or wait for his death.

Wei Wuxian realizes that the Second Siege of the Burial Mounds was an attempt to kill the letter-writer or at least weaken the clans should Jin Guangyao's deeds be made public.

Lan Xichen insists that he should not have senselessly chosen bloodshed as his solution, but Jin Guangyao maintains that if they did not die, he would die.

Lan Xichen reminds him that he is only in this position because he did the things in the letter, and Jin Guangyao insists, again, that he had no choice. Lan Xichen then declares his intent to ask for an explanation, though Lan Wangji objects.

Lan Xichen first asks about the murder of Jin Guangshan, but Jin Guangyao requests to answer this last.

Jin Guangyao explains that while he married Qin Su knowing that she was his sister, he truly loved her before learning the truth. He was terrified when Madam Qin approached him in secret to tell the truth about Jin Guangshan's rape. If he called their wedding off, Qin Cangye and his father would have fallen out with each other, and he would pay the price.

Lan Xichen demands to know why he fathered Jin Rusong only to kill him. Jin Guangyao finally admits that Qin Su was already pregnant by the time he learned the truth about their relationship; he did not knowingly commit incest with her.

On the death of Jin Zixuan, it was truly unintentional. Although Jin Guangyao purposefully sent Jin Zixuan to Qiongqi Path, he only hoped his brother would run into a difficult situation between his cousin Jin Zixun and Wei Wuxian. He did not expect Wei Wuxian to kill his brother.

Jin Ling demands to know why, and Nie Huaisang holds him back from approaching JIn Guangyao.

In response, Jin Guangyao asks why he worked so hard, treated everyone well, yet was despised, while Jin Zixuan was arrogant and could spent his days with Jiang Yanli, yet be loved by everyone. Why could Jin Guangshan hold a banquet for Jin Zixuan and kick Meng Yao down the stairs on the same day? Moreover, Jin Guangshan asked him to kill Wei Wuxian "as if it was natural."

Jin Guangyao confesses that as long as if was his father's command, he would do anything. Betray Wen Ruohan, protect Xue Yang, remove anyone who disagreed – no matter what, he would do it. Even when Mo Xuanyu was brought to their clan, he still hoped for his father's approval, until he heard Jin Guangshan speak to a prostitute beside him. The reason Jin Guangshan refused to buy his mother's freedom was that his mother was literate, and Jin Guangshan feared that literate women were too much trouble. When the prostitutes asked about his son, all Jin Guangshan said was "forget it."

Jin Guangyao laughs with despair, saying that he cannot help but seek pity.

He then wraps a red guqin string around Jin Ling's throat, having hidden the string inside a wound in his own body. Jin Guangyao promises that after he escapes, he will release his nephew unharmed. Jiang Cheng offers himself instead, but Jin Guangyao declines, as Jiang Cheng is injured.

Su She tells Jin Guangyao to go without him, and Jin Guangyao thanks him. Lan Xichen exclaims that he can no longer tell when Jin Guangyao is lying or not.

Just then, the temple doors are thrown open. Wen Ning is hurled inside, apparently in the midst of battling the Fierce Corpse of Nie Mingjue.

Jin Guangyao begins to shake with fear at Nie Mingjue's presence. Lan Wangji uses Bichen to severe Jin Guangyao's hand to save Jin Ling, who is in danger of being accidentally beheaded in Jin Guangyao's panic.

While Su She screams for the collapsed Jin Guangyao, Wei Wuxian is relieved to see that Jin Ling does not even have a single scratch on him.

As he fixes his broken arm, Wen Ning warns everyone that Nie Mingjue's resentful energy is unusually strong.[1]


In order of appearance:

Events []



Cultivation Abilities[]

Cultivation Tools[]

Author's Note[]

Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's end-of-chapter note reads:[2][3]

If you have premarital sex, you will die /jk.


  1. Novel, Chapter 106
  2. Novel, Chapter 106 [Exiled Rebels Trans.]
  3. Novel, Chapter 106 [Original Chinese, Trans. by Twitter user @hopqer]