Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Wiki

Hensheng: To Hate Life - Part One is the ninety-eighth chapter of Mo Dao Zu Shi. The literal translation of this arc's title is "Hatred of Life," which is also the name of Jin Guangyao's sword.

Synopsis []

Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning approach the Guanyin Temple, only to realize that a camouflaging barrier is set up to make the temple appear quiet and lightless. The two climb the walls and hide behind a gargoyle statue.

Inside, monks and Lanling Jin Clan cultivators stand guard with bows and arrows. To Wei Wuxian's shock, Lan Xichen stands in the center, unharmed and treated with respect by both the monks and cultivators.

Wei Wuxian sends Wen Ning t the inn for Lan Wangji, while he attempts to fish out a few Ghosts from his own Spirit-Trapping Bag. Just then, however, he hears the terrifying barks of a dog.

The dog is none other than Fairy, leading Jin Ling to the temple. Jin Ling pounds on the door, to the consternation of the Lanling Jin cultivators, who recognize their young master's voice. Lan Xichen demands that they not hurt him.

Suddenly, Fairy rushes away. Wei Wuxian's initial relief is cut short when he realizes that Jin Ling has decided to climb the wall rather than follow his dog.

Just as Jin Ling reaches the top, a monk who either does not know who Jin Ling is, or does not care, releases an arrow. Wei Wuxian sacrifices his bamboo flute to deflect the weapon, revealing himself as he shouts for Jin Ling to run.

Arrows strike the statue, and Wei Wuxian hops down the wall. He is about to whistle when Jin Guangyao's voice cuts in, suggesting that it would be a shame if he had to lose a tongue or a finger.

Jin Guangyao politely requests his company, and Wei Wuxian follows him inside the courtyard. Unfortunately, Jin Ling is also caught. He hesitantly greets his uncle, and Jin Guangyao returns the greeting, referring to his nephew with the affectionate name "A-Ling."[1]


In order of appearance:

Events []



Cultivation Abilities[]

Cultivation Tools[]

Author's Note[]

Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's end-of-chapter note reads:[2]

I give up on trying to get the chapter content and comments to match... Note: MXTX is referring here to how the chapter is titled Hensheng, with the subtitle "let’s start fighting Yao-mei!" (开始打瑶妹), yet these titles do not match the chapter content.


The original translation by Exiled Rebels named this series of chapters "Hatred."[3]


  1. Novel, Chapter 98
  2. Novel, Chapter 98 [Original Chinese, Trans. by Twitter user @hopqer]
  3. Novel, Chapter 99 [Exiled Rebel Trans.]