From Dawn till Dusk was published as the one-hundred and twentieth chapter of Mo Dao Zu Shi in the Taiwanese edition of the novel. As it was never published on JJWXC, it has no official chapter number on the website.
Synopsis []
Although it is past nine in the evening, Wei Wuxian has not returned to the Jingshi. Lan Wangji opens the door to look outside, when suddenly, a thump comes from behind him.
He turns around to see that Wei Wuxian has evidently snuck into his window and is curled up in his bed. Wei Wuxian explains that he is cold after night-hunting with the juniors, so Lan Wangji hugs him despite his rather filthy attire.
Lan Wangji tells Wei Wuxian to be quieter, as Lan Qiren has returned and his residence is not far from the Jingshi. Wei Wuxian then rubs his knee to Lan Wangji's groin, and the two begin to make love.
Wei Wuxian suggests that Lan Wangji silence him if he is concerned about his loud moans, but Lan Wangji opts to cover his mouth with a kiss instead.
After they are finished, Lan Wangji insists that Wei Wuxian bathe lest he fall ill. After he prepares the bath, Lan Wangji declines to join Wei Wuxian, explaining that they have been back for four days and broken as many bathtubs in that time.
Wei Wuxian teases Lan Wangji that he is the one who breaks the tubs, which Lan Wangji freely admits. He hands Wei Wuxian a jar of Emperor's Smile while he grades the juniors' night-hunting notes. While the job is typically Lan Qiren's, whenever Lan Qiren is busy, Lan Wangji takes over.
Wei Wuxian chuckles to see that Lan Wangji has given only Lan Jingyi a Yi (B) due to his verbosity and errors. Lan Jingyi will have to rewrite his notes.
Wei Wuxian asks after Lan Sizhui, and Lan Wangji says that he has been awarded a Jia (A). He describes Lan Sizhui's notes as "logically organized and substantially apropos."
Wei Wuxian offers to help out with grading as he bathes. Eventually, he becomes tired, and Lan Wangji carries him back to bed. Wei Wuxian muses that while the juniors are quite accomplished, they are still lacking in night-hunting skills. He plans to take the juniors to wreck the nests of Mountain Spirits again, before requesting money.
Lan Wangji explains that the Jade Token given to Wei Wuxian allows him to withdraw money, prompting laughter from Wei Wuxian. He explains that he spent his money taking the juniors to the Hunan cuisine restaurant in Caiyi Town after their night-hunt.
He falls asleep. Lan Wangji kisses his forehead and whispers, "See you tomorrow, Wei Ying."[1]
In order of appearance:
- Lan Wangji
- Wei Wuxian
- Lan Qiren (mentioned)
- Lan Jingyi (mentioned)
- Lan Sizhui (mentioned)
Events []
- Cloud Recesses
- Caiyi Town (mentioned)
- Mountain Spirit (mentioned)
Cultivation Abilities[]
- Silence Spell (mentioned)
Cultivation Tools[]
- Jade Tokens (mentioned)
The original translation by Exiled Rebels named this chapter similarly to the official version, "From Dawn to Dusk."[2]
- ↑ Novel, Chapter 120
- ↑ Novel, Chapter 99 [Exiled Rebel Trans.]