Core of the Truehearted - Part Ten is the eighty-eighth chapter of Mo Dao Zu Shi.
Synopsis []
Wei Wuxian thinks that he can tolerate harsh words against himself, but not against Lan Wangji. He reminds Jiang Cheng that they are in front of Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan's spirits, and thus he should not insult a respected cultivator like Lan Wangji.
Jiang Cheng, unfortunately, takes those words to mean he is unfit to be a clan leader. He tells the two not to act so "shamelessly" in front of his parents, but that they can do whatever they want outside, whether "under a tree or on a boat."
Wei Wuxian stops short, realizing that Jiang Cheng may have been following them long enough to see their embrace under the tree.
Indeed, he had found them under the tree, and felt immediate shock. Although he had make rude remarks about Lan Wangji and Mo Xuanyu before, those were merely made to upset Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng had never before considered that Wei Wuxian, who always flirted with women, could have feelings for a man. Thus, he trailed the two in shock before his hatred returned when they entered the ancestral hall.
Wei Wuxian demands an apology, insisting that they are only friends, and Lan Wangji's expression promptly freezes. Jiang Cheng retorts that he has "never seen friends like that."
Wei Wuxian interprets Lan Wangji's expression to mean he is insult, and that infuriates Wei Wuxian. He throws a Talisman towards Jiang Cheng, who responds with Zidian, and Lan Wangji uses Bichen to block the blow.
After a couple attacks, Wei Wuxian remembers that he just asked Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan for their blessing, yet he is now battling their son in their ancestral hall.
Blood begins to drip from his qiqiao, and Lan Wangji holds him up as Wei Wuxian tells him that they should go. Jiang Cheng, however, believes that Wei Wuxian is faking as he often did in childhood.
He follows the two and attempts to fight again. Lan Wangji sends Bichen to block Zidian while he checks Wei Wuxian's breathing, and without its owner, Bichen is overpowered. Jiang Cheng realizes that, although he has no desire to really hit Lan Wangji, it is too late to pull Zidian away.
Wen Ning, however, leaps between them to take the blow instead. Jiang Cheng is further enraged, as Wen Ning ended his sister's happiness when he killed Jin Zixuan.
Wen Ning has always felt guilty for that, and until now, he has avoided Jiang Cheng as best he can. Yet now he walks up to Jiang Cheng with Suibian in hand, his usually meek demeanor gone. He commands Jiang Cheng to unsheathe the sword.
Jiang Cheng warns him that if he does not leave, he will burn him to ash. In response, Wen Ning shouts for him to unsheathe the sword.
Jiang Cheng finally does so, and realizes after a moment that he should not be able to unsheathe the sword. Suibian sealed itself after being collected as a war trophy by the Lanling Jin Clan after the First Siege of the Burial Mounds.
He asks if the sword unsealed itself, and Wen Ning responds that the sword did not. It merely mistook Jiang Cheng for Wei Wuxian.
Lan Wangji stands up with the unconscious Wei Wuxian on his back, while Wen Ning explains that the sword mistook Jiang Cheng for Wei Wuxian because the Golden Core within Jiang Cheng is none other than Wei Wuxian's.[1]
In order of appearance:
- Jiang Cheng
- Wei Wuxian
- Lan Wangji
- Jiang Fengmian (mentioned)
- Yu Ziyuan (mentioned)
- Mo Xuanyu (mentioned)
- Wen Ning
- Jin Zixuan (mentioned)
- Jiang Yanli (mentioned)
Events []
- Death of Jin Zixuan on Qiongqi Path (mentioned)
- First Siege of the Burial Mounds (mentioned)
- Lotus Pier
- Burial Mounds (mentioned)
Cultivation Tools[]
- ↑ Novel, Chapter 88